Held on Friday 1st November at Knowl Hill Village Hall

  1. Apologies for absence were received from John Hope, Ian Greenstreet, Neil Rutter, John Percy, and Connor Woodford.
  2. Chairman’s opening remarks. The Chairman (Dick Poole) drew attention to the remarks in Gordon Sherratt’s Organiser’s report regarding the amount of help from a number of volunteers – in particular members of Palmer Park Velo – the League would be in dire straits without their help. The continued sponsorship from AW Cycles, the Bannister family and Guy Swarbrick (Track Cycling) was much appreciated by the prize-winners. A special word of thanks to the team of mechanics who had worked hard to keep the Dernys up to scratch. Finally Dick announced his intention to step down from the post of Chairman.
  3. The minutes from the 2012  A.G.M. were accepted as a true record on a proposal by Nick English and seconded by Martin Todd.
  4. Matters arising   It was reported that the new P.A. system had been installed in time for the 2013 season and that a grant towards the cost of £300 had been received from Central Region.
  5. Organiser’s report. Gordon Sherratt submitted his report which was accepted on a proposal by Chris Macleod, seconded by Paul Wheeler
  6. Treasurer’s report. Dick Poole presented his report on the 2012 season which had resulted in a loss in excess of £2500 due mainly to the purchase of a motor and sundry parts for the Dernys.  The auditor had suggested that the AGM report should be on the season just past, though in future this may mean un-audited accounts. Dick reported that the past season had resulted in a modest surplus of nearly £400, and that the current cash position reflected the purchase of another Derny and a track bike.  Report was accepted on a proposal by Gordon Sherratt  seconded by Chris Macleod.
  7. Election of officers at this point Dick Poole stood down as Chairman.
    1. Chairman: Andrew Pitt
      Prop. D.Poole Sec. C.Macleod
    2. Treasurer: Dick Poole
      Prop. N.English Sec. K.Griffiths
    3. Auditor: Donal Linehan
      Prop. C.Macleod Sec. N.English
    1. Before continuing there was a discussion regarding future procedures for entering and registration. It was hoped that this would be effected by “on-line” entries which should obviate the need for a lot of paper-work
    1. Registrars: Gordon Sherratt, Colin Garnham
      Prop. M. Todd Sec. P. Wheeler.
    2. Organiser: Gordon Sherratt
      Prop. C. Macleod Sec. N.English
    3. Deputy Organiser: Gisela Bradbury
      Prop. M.Todd  Sec. C.Macleod.
    4. Press Officer: Rachael Elliot
      Prop. N. English  Sec. G.Sherratt
    5. Track Manager: Dave Gaida
      Prop.G.Sherratt   Sec. M.Todd
      This was likely to be Dave’s last year in this position and it would be necessary to find a replacement whose duties would include arranging first-aid cover during the season.
    6. Derny Manager & Assistants: Martin Todd, John Hope, Andy Pitt, Chris Macleod.
      It was suggested that one of the Derny Manager’s tasks would be to contact the drivers when required.
    7. Committee: Gisela Bradbury, Clive Sturgeon, Andy Pitt, Colin Garnham, John Hope, Martin Todd, John Percy and riders’ rep. Ian Greenstreet.
    8. Secretary: Gordon Sherratt stated that he was down as Secretary for B.C. but that there should be another post of Secretary for the League. Dick Poole agreed to continue in this role which really only involved taking the minutes.
  8. The recommended 2014 programme  was agreed- the League would run from 14th April to 29thSeptember with hours to be from 6.30 until 10 pm with the usual exceptions of the Bank holidays. The B-P meeting would be on Saturday 3rd May and the DernyFest on Saturday 9th August – both of these meetings would be “Open.
  9. Proposal to allow 96” gears for A Riders   was defeated 7 votes to 5.
  10. Any other business   Andrew Pitt gave a resumé of the proposed transponder recording and timing system. Arrangements would soon be in hand to cut into the track and install a “loop”. Negotiations would soon take place for the purchase of the transponders and a decision would need to be made as to how best to distribute them – either by selling them to the riders or leasing them. The whole system was in accord with that recommended by British Cycling and was likely to be a requirement in the future. It was hoped that the new system would be up and running for the 2014 season – if not certainly for 2015.

The Meeting closed at 9.37pm